Blast Off to an Amazing New Client in My Freelance Creative Producer Journey! 🚀

Pop the champagne and get ready for a thrilling ride! 🍾 I’m beyond excited to spill the beans on my awesome new ongoing collaboration with the rockstar team at (@eventboxmoments)! 🎭 Bravo universe for this match!

Picture this –marrying jaw-dropping creativity and unparalleled talent to produce fantastic character licensed shows. We’re not just curating shows, we’re designing unforgettable slices of joy and a rollercoaster of emotions that will span the Middle East, Europe, North Africa, and the Far East. Who’s up for the ride?

Oh and did I mention the stages? Prepare for a sprinkle of theatre magic, a dash of festival spirit, a dollop of exhibition artistry, and a generous scoop of mall extravaganza. The audiences are everywhere, and we’re set to bring the magic to them.

Drumroll, please 🥁…I’m also excited at the opportunity to tag team with some of the most iconic brands!  Incredible collaborations waiting to amplify a sonic boom to the audience’s hearts with iconic characters, is there anything more thrilling than that?

Kickstarting my freelance journey with Eventbox, a brand new project packed with a hearty dose of nostalgia is surreal and exciting! New adventures, here we come!

I’m fired up and ready to blast through any challenges that come my way. Sure, the mission is ambitious and the bar is set high but hey, in the words of the legendary Freddie Mercury, “Don’t stop me now”! (I know…just roll with me folks haha!) So, buckle up and join me on this epic journey with Eventbox as we sprinkle magic, create wonder, and spread joy across the world. Let’s make the impossible, possible!

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates and behind the scenes glimpses as we put creativity in the driver’s seat and bring some mind-blowing character licensed shows to life!

#NewJourney #FreelanceLife #Eventboxmoments #CreativeCarnival #InternationalShows #JoyfulJourneys #UnforgettableMoments

“A Reflection on My First 12 Weeks of Going Freelance

It has been an incredible 12 weeks since I decided to take the plunge and go freelance. I have been working as a creative consultant and creative producer, meeting new clients, travelling to Qatar and the UK, and launching my own website. Despite the challenges of setting up as freelance, I have had a smooth ride and am looking forward to the next 12 weeks and all the new adventures it will bring.

Meeting New Clients

One of the most exciting parts of my first 12 weeks has been meeting new clients. I have been able to work with some of the loveliest people in the industry, from Dreamworks’ Kungfu Panda to Hunsnet. This has been a great opportunity to expand my network.


Travelling has been a big part of my career journey. I have had the opportunity to fly to Qatar and explore the country as part of a project I was working on. I have also been able to visit the UK and explore some of the country’s most beautiful seaside locations.

Consultancy Clients

In addition to my new clients, I have also been able to work with some of my past clients and friends. This has been a great way to stay connected and continue to build relationships with people I have worked with in the past. It has also been a great opportunity to learn new skills and stay up to date with industry trends. I now know what a ‘Hun’ is, thank you Gareth Howells!

Launching My Website

One of the biggest accomplishments of my freelance journey so far has been launching my own website (shout out to Creative Bone for your help!). This has been a great way to showcase the work I have done over the past 20 years and to show potential clients what I am capable of.

Following My Journey

Finally, I want to thank those who have been following my journey on Instagram, @natdawson_creative. It has been amazing to have so much support and encouragement from my followers. Here’s to the next 12 weeks and all the new adventures it will bring!


My first 12 weeks as a freelancer have been an incredible journey. I have been able to meet new clients, travel to exciting locations, work with past clients, and launch my own website. I am looking forward to the next 12 weeks and all the new adventures it will bring. Thank you to everyone who has been following my journey and cheering me on.

#CreativeConsultant #CreativeProducer #QatarKungFuPanda #Away Resorts #hunsnet #Kungfu Panda #Natdawson_creative #creativebone



Starting With Your Audience: The Key To Creating Memorable Live Experiences Or Stage Shows

Creating a live experience or stage show is an exhilarating endeavor. The lights, the applause, and the opportunity to captivate your audience with your talented cast or team are undeniably thrilling. However, amidst the excitement, it’s crucial not to lose sight of the most important element: your audience. Before diving headfirst into the creative process, take a moment to understand your audience and their desires. In this blog, I explore why starting with your audience is paramount and how it can help you craft an unforgettable performance.

  1. Know Your Target Audience: Every successful show has a target audience. Whether it’s a specific age group, demographic, or interest, identifying your audience is the foundation of the creative journey. By defining your target audience, you gain valuable insights into their preferences, expectations, and needs, allowing you to tailor the performance to meet and exceed their expectations.
  2. Conduct Thorough Audience Research: Understanding your audience requires diligent research. Conduct surveys, interviews, or observe similar events to gather insights. Seek to understand their motivations, interests, and what they seek in a live experience. By doing so, you can develop a deep understanding of their desires and preferences, enabling you to create a show or live experience that resonates with them on a profound level.
  3. Listen to Audience Feedback: Feedback is the lifeblood of improvement. Once you’ve presented your concept, listen attentively to your audience’s feedback. Whether it’s through post-show surveys, social media interactions, or direct conversations, actively seek their opinions. This feedback provides invaluable insights into what worked, what didn’t, and areas that can be refined. Embrace this feedback as an opportunity for growth and a chance to enhance your performance for future audiences.
  4. Tailor Your Show or Concept to Audience Preferences: Once armed with audience research and feedback, it’s time to craft a show that aligns with their preferences. Incorporate elements that resonate with their interests, create relatable content, and curate an experience that leaves them wanting more. By tailoring your show or concept to suit their desires, you foster a deeper connection, generating loyalty and ensuring that they will eagerly anticipate future performances.
  5. Create Engaging and Interactive Experiences: An engaged audience is a captivated one. Look for ways to make your show interactive and inclusive. Encourage audience participation, include interactive segments, pre or post show experiences or incorporate Q&A sessions. By involving your audience directly, you create a sense of ownership and make them feel like an integral part of the experience. This interactivity transforms passive spectators into active participants, forging a stronger bond between your brand and your audience.
  6. Harness the Power of Storytelling and Emotions: Stories have a unique ability to touch hearts and evoke emotions. Weave a compelling narrative throughout your show to engage your audience on a deeper level. Craft moments that elicit laughter, tears, or inspiration, leaving a lasting impression. By creating an emotional connection, you make your performance memorable, forging a bond that extends beyond the stage and resonates long after the curtains close.

When embarking on the journey of creating a live experience or stage show, it’s essential to prioritise your audience. By understanding their preferences, listening to their feedback, and tailoring your performance accordingly, you pave the way for an unforgettable experience. Remember, the applause and the accolades will come naturally when you start with your audience and deliver a show that speaks directly to their hearts. So, step onto the stage with your audience firmly in mind and watch the magic unfold.